Pasta salad with ribbon noodles

Fitness pasta salad

Preparation time
Preparation time
10 min.
10 min.


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main dish


4 people

For athletes and everyone who likes to travel lighter, there is the fitness - Salad. If you like to eat pasta and you after a workout or one If you want to conjure up something light on the working day, you should use our fitness salad definitely try it out. With the rocket and Andrews pesto comes a little a bit of green, crispy, nutty roasted aroma of pine nuts, tomatoes,
Mozzarella, dark turkey ham ...

Nudelsalat Pesto Parmesan getrocknete Tomaten Pinienkerne Tomaten


250 g Buchholz noodles

200 g dark turkey ham

250 g light mozzarella (drained)

250 g pickled, dried tomatoes

80 g rocket

25 g pine nuts

4 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

2 Tbsp Andrews pesto

1 teaspoon mustard

1 teaspoon honey

Salt, pepper and parmesan as needed


1. 250 g Buchholzer noodles cooking - al dente.

2. Roast 25 g of pine nuts - without oil.

3. Cut 250 g mozzarella into small cubes.

4. Cut 200 g ham into small squares.

5. Cut 80 g rocket a little smaller.

6. Arrange the dressing.

7. Mix everything together and serve, then sprinkle with parmesan.

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