Fitness pasta salad
Preparation time | Preparation time |
10 min. | 10 min. |
dish | Country & Region | Servings | Calories |
main dish | International | 4 people |
Ingredients: 250 g Buchholz noodles 200 g dark turkey ham 250 g light mozzarella (drained) 250 g pickled, dried tomatoes 80 g rocket 25 g pine nuts 4 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon honey Salt, pepper and parmesan as needed | Preparation: 1. 250 g Buchholzer noodles cooking - al dente. 2. Roast 25 g of pine nuts - without oil. 3. Cut 250 g mozzarella into small cubes. 4. Cut 200 g ham into small squares. 5. Cut 80 g rocket a little smaller. 6. Arrange the dressing. 7. Mix everything together and serve, then sprinkle with parmesan. |